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I know how you feel @tommy05, I sometimes wanna put watermarks on my videos, but I hate it when others do it…LOL so I don’t do it. I don’t even like sub on the video when I remaster
I’m doing on Two Most Honorable Knights, but I think I need to redo it cuz it needs to lighten up some parts and too bad O.k. site re-encode the video we uploaded and the quality goes down a bit. Right now I’m using Topaz video Enhance AI
@Lay nice .. I do got a titan v .. I spent like almost
500 dollars on it
Smh .. nowadays video cards
Is expensive.. well enjoy try it out .. I will watch the video on my pc .. I wanna see the difference
I know how you feel @tommy05, I sometimes wanna put watermarks on my videos, but I hate it when others do it…LOL so I don’t do it. I don’t even like sub on the video when I remaster
you guys do great editing and i love the quality xD
Thanks @ahbee i’m messing with AI to clean, upscale and sharping videos, but it might take longer to post now
@Lay AI wow can you really tell if the video has improve or does really make a difference?
@tommy05 yeah especially the old series that we can’t find a good quality. it helps.
Wow @Lay is a software or hardware that renders it to a better I need to learn to about it .. I want to do it to some of my old collection 😊
I’m doing on Two Most Honorable Knights, but I think I need to redo it cuz it needs to lighten up some parts and too bad O.k. site re-encode the video we uploaded and the quality goes down a bit. Right now I’m using Topaz video Enhance AI
@Lay that a 300 dollars program lol 😂
that software should allow, your GPU with tensor to enhance videos, you got a titan V right. I just pick up a RTX A5000 card
I didn’t pay for it, the company I work for did lol
@Lay nice .. I do got a titan v .. I spent like almost
500 dollars on it
Smh .. nowadays video cards
Is expensive.. well enjoy try it out .. I will watch the video on my pc .. I wanna see the difference
i cant post a screen shot here
I know man, GPU prices are fck expensive. i found this one for 350
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