Note: Videos are never stored or hosted through KhmerAvenue. All videos are embedded by our members, publicly available through third party video streaming websites such as Youtube, Daily Motion, Vimeo, and Facebook.
Hi, the rest of the episode seem to working fine except for ep 9. It’s said ” The requested video is not allowed to be played in embedded players. Thanks
Hi…I would like to request to you to reploaded “Duke of the Mount Deer ep.09) thanks in advance.
Hi, the rest of the episode seem to working fine except for ep 9. It’s said ” The requested video is not allowed to be played in embedded players. Thanks
Jol Joul
Ep9 play on my Ipad2 but not on laptop/ desktop.
i don’t know why it don’t work 4 you but it work fine for me on ipad and pc
you don’t have to reupload just change the settings on youtube to allow embedded players.
do it work now
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